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Application Guide

Follow Our Step-by-Step Process

Questions? Call us for grant assistance.
(303) 744–1688
Download our online application help guide


We strive to offer flexibility in our grantmaking process. In that spirit, we offer three open grant deadlines per year. Deadlines are in mid-January and the first business day of May and September. Any applicant that can show close alignment with our mission and focus areas is able to apply at one of these deadlines. Please know that applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date. 

2025 Deadlines:

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Thursday, May 1, 2025

Tuesday, September 2, 2025

There are a couple of special types of funding that have dedicated grant cycles. If you are applying for a capital project, an early childhood council, or mental health consultation, please pay close attention to the application requirements.


In addition to our grant application for all general funding areas (e.g., home visiting, child care, etc.), mental health consultation grant applications can be submitted for the January deadline each year.  


In addition to our grant application for all general funding areas (e.g., home visiting, child care, etc.), Early Childhood Council grant applications can be submitted for the May deadline each year. Applications for Early Childhood Councils are by invitation only and are not identical to the general application open for the May deadline. If you represent an Early Childhood Council and have not received an invitation to apply, please contact your Program Officer or the Grants Manager for information on how to apply on behalf of an Early Childhood Council.

Note that our Program Officers visit our partners as a part of their review process. If your program does not run during the summer, we may ask you to apply at one of our other deadlines. Please contact one of our Program Officers before applying to determine whether you should consider a different deadline.


In addition to our grant application for all general funding areas (e.g., home visiting, child care, etc.), capital grant applications can be submitted for the September deadline each year. 

Grant decisions estimated timeline

While there are always exceptions to the rule, we will do our best to inform you of a funding decision within four months of your submission deadline.   

Questions? Call us for grant assistance.
(303) 744–1688
Download our online application help guide