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Making the Numbers Work

As a private foundation, Buell offers financial support to diverse charitable organizations. We seek to act as a catalyst for change within our mission by building a sustainable investment portfolio.


Growing Investments, Expanding Impact

Foundation Assets and Grants Paid Over 10 Years Foundation Assets and Grants Paid Over 10 Years
Expense Allocation Fiscal Year-End June 30, 2024 Expense Allocation Fiscal Year-End June 30, 2024

Investments that build our community

Partnerships: At the Core of Our Success & Growth

The vision that Temple Buell had in purchasing and developing the land that would become the Cherry Creek Shopping Center laid the groundwork for his success and eventual philanthropic endeavors. Three decades ago, the influence and stewardship Dan Ritchie brought to the Foundation marked a key partnership in our unfolding story. Under his guidance, we focused our mission and expanded our reach on behalf of Colorado’s children, families, and communities. And now, our newest venture in working with East West Partners and the Taubman Company to develop Cherry Creek West on the land Mr. Buell purchased  a century ago marks another pivotal partnership and milestone in our history.



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Grantee Spotlight

Learn about the important work of our partners in Colorado’s early childhood communities.

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