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Our History

Temple Buell’s architectural legacy in Colorado began the Foundation’s evolving philanthropic commitment to children and families throughout the state.

Our Founder & Namesake

Temple Hoyne Buell

Temple Buell was an influential and renowned architect, real estate developer, and philanthropist in Denver, known for his work in designing some of the city’s notable and historic buildings. He also pioneered the concept of the modern shopping mall.

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Important Events in Our History


Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation was created


From 1985-1988, the Buell Foundation primarily granted to universities in support of major capital projects or endowed positions


Temple Hoyne Buell passes away at age 94


$3 million granted to the Denver Center for the Performing Arts for the Temple Hoyne Buell Theatre


Dan Ritchie began his tenure as the Foundation's Board Chairman

Ritchie ultimately guided grantmaking in a new direction focused on broad benefit to the communities in Colorado. His leadership would support the Foundation for nearly 30 years, establishing Buell as a leader in early childhood.


$75,000 awarded to Qualistar Colorado to establish an objective quality rating system of child care in our state


Board of Trustees narrows the Foundation’s focus primarily on early childhood and areas outside of metropolitan Denver


Creation of the Buell Early Childhood Leadership Program (BECLP)


Buell Foundation is one of six convening organizations of Colorado Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC)


Buell Foundation is recognized as Outstanding Foundation in Colorado


District-Based School Transitions Initiative is launched to support school districts as they work to increase the success of children entering kindergarten from various early learning programs


Early Milestones Colorado is created in partnership with five other foundations to accelerate early childhood efforts in the state


LAUNCH Together begins with a $1.1 million investment over five years


Transforming Colorado’s Early Childhood Workforce Initiative launches via a funding partnership with Gary Community Investments (total of $2.3 million granted over five years)


Board approves new initiative to expand support for Colorado Early Childhood Councils up to $2.3 million annually for three years and was subsequently renewed in 2022 for three additional years


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Buell awards nearly $2 million in emergency relief for early child care in Colorado


Board votes to adopt an expanded focus on advocacy


Workforce Initiative launches with up to $2 million invested per year for three to five years to address acute early childhood workforce issues facing communities across Colorado

Three Decades of Early Childhood Grantmaking

History of the Buell Foundation's Evolving Priorities

In 1996, the Foundation began strategic support of programs and initiatives for children. The Foundation emphasized the areas of early intervention, prevention, and improving the social and educational systems critical to the well-being of Colorado’s youngest community members.


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