We are certain that by investing in the earliest years, we can help children live into their potential later in life. Learn about how we are affecting change for Colorado’s children, families, and communities.
Statewide Support
The Buell Foundation grants funds across the state, reaching 552 organizations and 56 counties since 2020.
Learn about the important work of our partners in Colorado’s early childhood communities.
"Buell is different,” Hale added, “they are committed to prioritizing early childhood in Colorado—and by making this commitment, they have become more than a funder, they are a partner in our work.""
"The Buell Foundation has been instrumental in helping us scale our intergenerational program that supports the recruitment and retention of Colorado’s early childhood caregivers," said Armao."
As circumstances in the early childhood sector change, the Buell Foundation responds by creating special projects with the potential to demonstrate broad impact on current, relevant issues. These projects range from grant opportunities to new programs. The Foundation seeks to address issues by finding promising solutions, piloting them, and testing impact. Â
While some special projects are launched and then sustained over time, most are shorter in duration in response to acute needs in the system. We often seek to partner with other foundations, community members, and thought leaders as we design and execute these projects. Â
We have three grant cycles per year: deadlines are in mid-January and the first business day of May and September.