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Transforming the Early Childhood Workforce (closed)

Published on Dec 9, 2022

This multiyear initiative was a partnership between the Buell Foundation and the Piton Foundation at Gary Community Investment that explored potential solutions for the early childhood workforce challenges that exist in Colorado. Through funding innovative projects, this initiative provided the capital needed to develop and test ideas with the potential to improve recruitment, retention, and/or compensation of the workforce. Projects selected for funding represented a range of potential solutions as well as intentional geographic diversity. For more information, visit the initiative’s website. 

This initiative grants up to $2 million per year for a three-five year period that’s focused on three goals:

  1. Leverage what already exists
  2. Replicate and expand exemplary models
  3. Support the infusion of new revenue sources

Progress & Possibilities: Colorado’s Transforming the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative 

This report details the successes, challenges, and lessons learned of a four-year initiative focused on early childhood workforce supports.

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