In 2024, early education nonprofit Start Early convened the Early Childhood Leadership Commission, as well as other key early childhood stakeholders such as professionals and families across Colorado. Together, the group developed a new statewide plan, responsive to a 2023 needs assessment and the newly refreshed Early Childhood Colorado Framework. This project was supported by the Preschool Development Grant.
The working group conducted numerous focus groups, surveys, and community conversations to inform strategies to support the early childhood workforce, increase access to programs, and maximize funding for the early childhood system.
Findings from the 2023 needs assessment conducted by the Colorado Health Institute revealed five areas for improving the state’s early childhood education and care services: 1) fully-informed family engagement, 2) sustainable funding structures for these services, 3) supporting the early childhood workforce through professional development and improved compensation, 4) creating a high-quality, whole-child approach for kindergarten-readiness programs, and 5) alleviating the barriers that hinder the availability of these programs.
The Early Childhood System Strategic Plan identifies key goals and objectives aligned with supporting the Early Childhood Colorado Framework, as well as strategies for collective action to achieve these ideals. The plan serves as a guide for all parties invested in uplifting early childhood systems: families with young children, early childhood professionals, state and local leaders, policymakers, business leaders, and more. The plan’s goals incorporate the four domains of the Colorado Framework and strategically prioritize the early childhood workforce, funding, and data use.