
Recipients of Buell Foundation grants are required to submit a minimum of one report at the end of the grant period. Please call your Program Officer if you have questions.

  • We began accepting final reports through our online grants system in 2023. If you were awarded a grant prior to January 2023 and have not used our online grant system, please contact your Program Officer for assistance.
  • It is mandatory that requested financial information be provided with the report. If you are awarded a grant for general operating support, you will be asked to provide a Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Statement for the year(s) in which the grant was used. If you are given a grant for a specific program, we will also want income and expenditure information compared to the approved budget for the project or program. Unless specifically requested by your program officer, the Buell Foundation does not need an audit or 990 with the report.
  • Under certain circumstances a report provided to another funder for the same project/program may be accepted to fulfill this reporting requirement. Please call our office to determine if this exception applies to your grant.

Submission of a report is one of the terms of a Buell Foundation grant. Failure to fulfill this requirement could jeopardize future funding.