Below are frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, please call or email one of our Program Officers. If you have specific questions about Early Childhood Councils, click here.

When are applications due?

Deadlines are in mid-January and the first business day of May and September. Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline date. Please visit our Deadlines page for specific deadline dates for upcoming grant cycles.

How do I submit an application?

The Buell Foundation accepts applications online. Register your organization in our online system here.

More than one person at my organization will be working on the application; can we work on it together?

Once an application is initiated, it can only be modified from the account that the application was created from. More than one person from an organization can collaborate on the application by sharing a PDF version or sharing an account.

I can’t find my organization when I search the IRS database. How do I enter my organization?

Choose the option for “Entering an Organization Name.” This is necessary for school districts, county offices, or other governmental agencies applying for a grant.

I see that I can flag steps in the application process. How does that work?

Flags are items that you have flagged for yourself to review. You will need to uncheck the flag at the bottom of each flagged page in order to submit your application.

Where should I go to get technical help with the application?

Click the blue comment bubble icon (shown under the title of most of the sections) to send a message to our technical help team. They will respond to you by email within one business day.

Are there word limits for any questions within the application?

We understand that it can be difficult to work within the word limits; however, we ask that you do your best to submit a succinct application. There are suggested word limits for some of the questions. The application will not cut off your entry if you exceed the suggested word limit.

How do I add my CEO or ED to Key Contacts?

Click “Select Contact” to choose a contact. If the contact you need to enter is not in the system, click the “+ Add New Contact” to create a new contact.

If I am applying for general operating funds, do I still need to describe my organization's current programs?

Yes. Please tell us more about what your organization does and include program name or description, population served, numbers served, and expected results.

What if my organization doesn’t receive an audit?

If you do not have audited financial statements, please include your most recent year-end financial statements as well as your current financial statements.

How many budgets can, or should, I upload?

You may upload up to four budget documents. Your organization budget must be one, and then a separate budget for up to three programs for which you may be requesting funding.

What should I do if my Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and Statement of Activities (Income and Expense Statement) are two separate documents?

You can upload them separately by clicking the “+ add another file” link for those attachments.

I’ve gotten to the Review and Submit page of the application, but it’s not letting me submit. Why is that?

On the Review and Submit page, all steps must be completed to submit. If you do not have a green check mark in the right menu for each page of the application, you will not be able to submit. You also need to uncheck the flag at the bottom of each flagged page before you can submit.

I’m applying for capital funding; how do I show that funding is for more than one type of capital improvement?

If making a request for capital project, you will have the opportunity to indicate the type(s) of capital projects you are seeking funding for. You will be asked to indicate the percent of the request that goes to each type. The total allocation must equal 100% whether you apply for one or several types of capital projects.

Is my child care center required to have a license?


My program is housed within a school district; what financial information do you need?

Please submit a summary of the school district’s budget (not more than two or three pages) and the financial information pertinent to your specific program.

I work within a government department; what do I send in place of an IRS determination letter?

Please include a letter from the department stating that your program is a program of the department and that the department holds accountability for your program.

What types of organizations do you fund?

We fund all types of tax-exempt organizations, including nonprofits, school districts, government entities, and faith-based organizations.

What is an appropriate amount of funding to request?

Appropriate amounts will vary depending on the program or project. Please call one of our Program Officers to discuss your request.

Can I apply for funding before my full grant has been spent from the previous year?

Yes. You are eligible to apply once every 12 months, which is generally four months before a grant contract ends. Please note that questions on activities to date (replacing interim report) are included in your application.

Do I need to submit an interim report?

We no longer require a separate interim report. Questions regarding current grants are included in the online application.

What if we decide to change course partway through the year? Can we use funding for a different project?

Contact your Program Officer to discuss your situation.

Do you require reports?

Yes. A final report is required for every grant awarded and is due one month after the end of the grant period.

What if I don’t have one of the attachments?

Please upload a document that notes that the attachment(s) is not included. Without this document, we will think that the application is incomplete.

Can I apply for more than one project?

Not generally. Under special circumstances we may allow more than one grant to an organization, but it is not our normal practice. Please call one of our Program Officers to discuss your unique situation.

Does the Buell Foundation provide multiyear funding?

Grants are typically for one year only. Long-term grantees may be considered to apply for two-year grants by invitation only. Please contact your Program Officer if you have any questions.